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Don't Get Left Behind! Get Connected.
Course 1 | Connected, Life-Long Learning...Why?
Session 1 | The Accelerated Society
Session 2 | Connected (1:55)
Session 3 | Daily, lifelong learning, sure but how? (2:15)
Course 2 | The Personal Digital Learning Network
Session 1 | What Is A Personal Digital Learning Network?
Session 2 | How To Use Your Personal Digital Learning Network
Session 3 | Building Your Personal Digital Learning Network
Course 3 | Staying on the leading edge with Twitter
Session 1 | What in the heck is Twitter?
Session 2 | Create your Twitter Account to Get a 'handle' on things.
Session 3 | 'Follow' who?
Session 4 | #whattheheck is a #hashtag? #Clueless
Session 5 | to 'tweet' or 'retweet', that's the question! #whataretweets
Session 6 | A 'list' for this and a 'list' for that.
Session 7 | Tweet chat? (3:29)
Course 4 | Use Facebook to take your career to new heights
Session 1 | Facebook for career growth...are you serious?
Session 2 | We're here everyday anyway, why not learn a little?
Session 3 | Follow groups and pages
Session 4 | Ignite a community of learning, create a group or page
Course 5 | Pin your way through personal development with Pinterest
Session 1 | What is Pinterest?
Session 2 | How to use Pinterest to grow your career
Session 3 | Create your Pinterest account
Session 4 | Stick a pin in it! What's a 'pin'?
Session 5 | How to create a 'board' and share it
Course 6 | Learn, Live, and Like with LinkedIn
Session 1 | What's all this about LinkedIn? I already have a resume.
Session 2 | How to use LinkedIn for learning and career growth
Session 3 | Profile! Show people who you are not what you do
Session 4 | Blog's aweigh!
Session 5 | Share and Share alike
Course 7 | Youtube, Vimeo, and Other Video Apps
Session 1 | How to use web based video for daily learning
Session 2 | How to use Youtube, Vimeo, and other web-based video for professional growth and development
Session 3 | How to upload and share a video
Course 8 | Instantly connect & cultivate relationships on Instagram
Session 1 | What in the heck is Instagram?
Session 2 | Who, why, what to follow?
Session 3 | How to upload and share a video
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